• CISп TOEFL Թݿܿ ؿ к, ۷ι ʿ SAT1 ACT Program ϰ ֽϴ.

    Critical Reading ̱ ϰ Ⱓ CISп SAT ģ ִ Jeremy (Bilingual teacher) ѱ ϸ Essay Writing ij Cape Breton University Ŀ´Ƽ Ͻ Andrew Ͻʴϴ. Andrew ѱ 5 ̻ Essay Writing English Interview ʴϴ. CIS SATԵ ǿ SAT ߴ õ л ҹ ̰ CIS ϸ鼭 л ؿ ° ģٰ лκ ū α ȣ ް ԵԴϴ.

    Ͽ ؿܿ ͼ SAT ϱ⸦ ϴ л鿡Դ 1:1 մϴ. л û ε ˴ϴ. ų6 ǰ ֱ ̸ (cisinkorea@gmail.com) ֽø Դϴ.

    Critical Reading/Writing Multiple Choice/ Essay Writing (Math )
    Critical Reading Jeremy teacher ̱, 8 / , / CISп SAT1, TOEFL, TEPS
    Essay Writing Andrew teacher ij Cape Breton University Ŀ´Ƽ / CISп SAT1, TOEFL . ѱ 5 teaching
    Ÿ ð ش (ش ð ο )
    SAT1 Classes
    The CIS SAT1 Program offers an advanced level of English study, specifically for students who have studied or plan to study abroad. These classes are exclusively high-level and feature both IBT TOEFL and SAT study curricula, instructed by both Korean and native teachers.

    The SAT program, in particular, develops strategies for taking the entirety of this test (SAT Essay, Critical Reading and Math), critical to university admission in the United States.

주말등산안산소개팅미팅싸이트비혼족펜팔 후기만남쪽지 미팅어플후불결혼정보회사채팅룸맞선대화돌싱만남인터넷만남사이트중년카페