• - , ѱ Ӱ ϴ ߾ ϴ (Bilingual Kids)   ǰ
    - Ʊ ° 缺 ϰ ̸ شȭ Ͽ ο
    - ɷ ۷ι DZ ǰ ְ
    - () ѱ (ѱ) Ϻ ѱ ÿ
    - ܱ پ ü ϴ α(Ȱ, âȰ, Ȱ, , )
    - ƴ϶ ǻ 켱
    - ܾϱ⺸ٴ ϻȰ ϴ ǥ ݺ ַ
    - , б, ǻ 
    - Ʊ ؿ
    - Song, Chant, Story, Craft, Game ȣ ʰ ̾ ؼҵ ִ α׷
    - CIS Talking Club Cafe Ͽ Storybook Reading & Speaking(Phone talking) Writing (۱) Ʒ
    (Coombe School) Early Bird(EB) Level Pre-School(PS) Level е˴ϴ. Early Bird level ٽ T(ȭ), M(ݹ) ϴ. Early Bird ȭ EBT1 ȭ ˴ϴ. Pre-School(PS) Level PST ~ PSM ϴ.
    - EB ̰ PS Դϴ.
    - EBT1 EBM1 ܰ ƴ϶ Level ٸ Դϴ.
    Level ̵ 6~1 ܰ辿 ̷ л ؿ 1ܰ谡 ƴ϶ 2ܰ辿 ̵ϴ 쵵 ֽϴ.
    We are excited to begin our new program for toddlers and preschool students, Early Birds. With Early Birds, we want to expose children to quality, comprehensible input presented in a fun and engaging manner. Twice a week, we will meet with the children for 90 minutes, half in Korean and half in English, to engage them in a fun-filled environment of singing, chanting, games, crafts, and other activities which will stimulate their senses and make them more comfortable with English.

    Our goal is to focus on maximizing language input. Research shows that children first take in a large amount of aural information before they ever produce sounds. Applied to second language acquisition, this means that the children will probably not produce the sounds of the new language right away. They may be hesitant because of its unfamiliarity, or because they are self-conscious of their inability to produce the sounds. Whatever the reason, we want to create a comfortable environment with games, songs, chants, and plenty of comforting repetition to prepare the children to speak when they are ready.

    We have taken the name of this class from an English expression, "The early bird catches the worm," which means that those who begin first have the best chance of success. As success is the theme of our school, we want to make sure that even the youngest children have a chance to succeed. After all, they are the best learners.
