• - ޿ α׷ ISP Level 3 IBT TOEFL 110, TOEIC 980, TEPS 900 ̻ ǥ ؿ
       к/ ۷ι/ ϵ մϴ.
    - мÿ ϴ к Logic( ) Ϻ غմϴ.
    - ɿ α׷ SAP Level IBT TOEFL 80̻, 800 ̻ 1 ȹ ؿ
      Community College ָ ؿ ڰ Ȯϵ մϴ.
    - ؿܰ л ֿ к ؿ п ʿ TOEFL, SAT1 ȹϵ մϴ.
    - Vocabulary: , DVT(Daily Voca Test)Program, Ǿ, Ǿ Test
    - R/C :Žð ο Ǯ̷ о ö , м, ظ Ǯ, ׺ Ʋ
    - L/C :Dictationΰ, ߷ ɷ , ľ ݺн
    - Speaking : Speakingΰ, speaker , , , Ϻ, 1:1 correction System, Discussion & Debate
      Ʒ Interview
    - Writing :Logical persuasion ( ) Efficient opinion-suggestion (ȿ ǰ) Ʒ, CIS Brainstorming and
      Outlining system, SWT(Short Writing Test) ICP(Instant Correction System)
    - CIS Talking Club Cafe Ͽ TOEIC, TOEFL Speaking(Phone talking) Essay Writing ( ÷ ) Ʒ
    Level , , ܽ Խø غϴ ISP Level() 1, Ͱ ̷ SAP Level(ɹ) ϴ.
    * ISP Level ISP3 ̸ ISPT, ISP1 Դϴ.
    * SAP Level SAP3 ̸ SAP1 Դϴ.
    * level ̵ Ʒ ջ 6~1 ˴ϴ.
      1) 򰡰 (Mid term Final term ǰ)
      2) ݺ Ⱓ ǽõ
      4) 簭 ǰ
    - л ̰ ־ ȿ ̷ ʴ л 쿡 ̶ л
       ϱ⵵ մϴ.
    High school students come to CIS with the determination and maturity of others many years their seniors. These students know that it is here that they must finalize their preparations for the Korean university entrance exams. These tests are extremely important for the future of these children as they will be selected for the elite schools largely based upon these scores. Additionally, English test scores are often used as the element of final elimination when universities choose their candidates.

    Our Scholastic Achievement Program (SAP) class is designed for beginning to intermediate high school students studying to take the Korean Suneung university placement test. This course offers an introduction to English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. For students at a more advanced level of study, CIS offers the International Study Program (ISP) and the Overseas Study Program (OSP) classes.

    The CIS International Study Program (ISP) classes provide a solid foundation for students beginning a program of international English study. The ISP develops skills for the IBT TOEFL exam, instructed by both Korean and native teachers. These classes are available for a variety of student levels, from intermediate to post-advanced high school students.
