• ּ
    (San Gok-Dong, 6FL Chong Jae Building) 181 An Nam-Ro, Bu Pyung-Gu, Incheon, Korea (Zip Code: 403-020)
    õ ȳ 181 ( 285-3, 6) Tel: 032-511-0582
    (泲4 Ʈ  ġ)
    Get off at Bu Pyung station (ö1ȣ )
    - Take 574 at BookIncheon post office(õü 574 )
     Get off at Kyung Nam 4th(Sa Cha) APT(泲4 2)
    -  569, 1 570 Ÿ ߾Ʈ 2
    - ȿ, ûõ 2, 굿, 88 Ÿ 泲1 5
    - 򿪿 굿 ---> , IC ȸ---> 泲(ȭ)Ÿ  ȸ---> ٸ ø

    -   --->  ԵƮ Ÿ ȸ---> 泲(ȭ)Ÿ  ȸ---> ٸ ø

    - £ ΰӵ IC 򿪹 ȸ ---> ϴٰ , IC ȸ---> 泲(ȭ)Ÿ  ȸ---> ٸ ø

    Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries you may have. You can reach us by email, phone, or fax. Office hours are from 3:00pm to 11:00pm Monday through Friday. The time zone is the same as the city of Seoul (or Tokyo), GMT +9 hours.