• - ̱, ʵб 4 ⺻(R/C, L/C, Speaking, Writing) ְ ݴϴ.
    - ̱ ȯл, ؿܼ ϵ , ȸȭ ۹ɷ ݴϴ.
    - ʵб TOEFL, TOEIC ʸ ׾ , б, Ư Ϻ ݴϴ.
    - ν(TOSEL, PELT, Junior TOEIC, Junior TOEFL) ͼϰ ϰ й ʸ ׾ CISߵ IBT TOEFL ̸ Ͽ ݴϴ.
    - CISʵδ 縳б 츰 л ý ö , , ο
       ý н CIS Ư ü ް ֽϴ.(CISα׷ )
    - оߺ ѱ (ѱ+) ܱ () Ͽ μ 4  ڿ
       Ͽ ִ ɷ Űݴϴ.
    - й (EAP) ʰ Bilingual ʸ װ μ ܱ ڶ Ͱ
       ڿ  ֵ Ȯ ݴϴ.
    *Reading : , а, Shadow speaking ϱ
    *Listening: ̱ʵб ޾ƾ
    *Grammar: ϱ/
    *Vocabulary: , ܿ
    *Homeroom teacher:
    * Speaking
    - а/ϱ, /ϱ, 1 Speech
    * Writing
    - Ͽ
    - а/ Ͽ
    - ʵ P Level UCL Level P level P3 ~ P6 Level پϰ Ǿ Level ٽ A1, A2, A3 ϴ. P5 Level P5A1, P5A2, P5A3 ȭ ˴ϴ.
    * Level (P3~P6) A3(ܰ)-->A2(߰ܰ)-->A1( ܰ)Դϴ.
       P6A3 P6A2 ܰԴϴ.
    * Level ̵ÿ Level A3(ܰ) մϴ.
       P3A1 1ܰ P4A3Դϴ. ׷ л ؿ 1ܰ谡 ƴ϶ 2ܰ, 3ܰ辿 ̵ϴ 쵵 ֽϴ.
    Elementary(P Level)Classes
    As our Elementary school students move up from P3 to P6 levels, they must integrate the skills of reading and writing, including their own opinions, as on the TOEFL.

    Likewise, these students practice the integrated skills of listening and speaking to their foreign teachers in each class, as they will have to do on the IBT TOEFL.

    - ߵ(Pre-Middle class) UCL Level (UCL1 & Explorer Level~ UCL3)
    * CIS Parade Level ģ л ߵ UCL ܰ л ý迡 Ǵ Ͱ ڱ ڽ ̳ ظ б ϰ , ϴ ձ Ʒùް ˴ϴ. ڿ ʰ й û Բ ˴ϴ.
    * UCL3(ܰ)--> UCL2(߰ܰ)---> UCL1 & Explorer Level(ܰ)
    Pre Middle School students begin the process of diving deeper into the exercises of Listening and giving Spoken responses, Listening and Writing correct responses, and being able to take information from Reading and Listening to find the correct answers. These integrated skills are essential to English for Academic Purposes . Since these students are still young, the exercises are basic and essential to giving them the strong foundation for future successful study!
    * level ̵ Ʒ ջ 6 ˴ϴ.
      1) 򰡰 (Mid term Final term ǰ)
      2) ݺ Ⱓ ǽõ
      4) 簭 ǰ
    - л ̰ ־ ȿ ̷ ʴ л 쿡 ̶ л
       ϱ⵵ մϴ.